
This element forms part of a Select element or an Optgroup element. Any number of options can be placed inside a Select or Optgroup element. When the user is in Design view, clicking on the Option icon or the Option menu item and then clicking on the Design view inside a Select or Optgroup will insert an Option element. If clicked outside Select or Optgroup or clicked over any other control other than Select or Optgroup, will bring up a pop up message saying, "Option can be placed inside Select or Optgroup". But, in Code view, the above operation leads to the insertion of an Option tag in the current cursor position.





This attribute specifies the text to be displayed for the corresponding <A> tag. The text entered in the field will be displayed on the screen.


This attribute specifies a title for this element.


This attribute indicates the default value of the variable named in the name attribute. When the element is displayed and the variable named in the name attribute is not set, the name variable is assigned the value specified in the value attribute.


The OnPick event occurs when the user selects or deselects the item.


This attribute specifies the natural or formal language of an element.


This attribute provides an element a unique name within a single deck

When an Option element is right clicked, a context sensitive menu will appear beside it. If Delete is selected, the Option control is deleted.. If Properties is selected, the Properties dialog box appears and the user can set and get the properties of the Option element.